20th Anniversary celebration

Construction of Multipurpose Hall at Vilimale' Muhyiddin School

Construction of Maldives Police Regional Headquarter in Addu City

Construction of Maldives Police Regional Headquarter in Addu City

Construction of 4 Storey Building at Hazaarumage, K. Dhiffushi

Construction of 4 Storey Building at Lovely Garden, K. Dhiffushi

Construction of Health Centre Extension Building at R. Dhuvaafaru

Completion of Multipurpose Hall at HDh. Makunudhoo School

Construction of Multipurpose Hall at Vilimale' Muhyiddin School

Design and build basis of water supply and sewerage facilities at Dh. Rinbudhoo

Construction of Health Centre at K. Guraidhoo

Completion of Multipurpose Hall at HDh. Makunudhoo School

Design and build basis of water supply facilities at Th. Veymandoo

Construction of Health Centre Extension Building at R. Dhuvaafaru

Construction of Maldives Police Regional Headquarter in Addu City

Construction of Multipurpose Hall at Villimale’ Muhyiddin School

Design and build basis of water supply and sewerage facilities - R. Inguraidhoo

Design and build basis of water supply and sewerage facilities at F. Magooodhoo

Design and build basis of water supply facilities at L.Maavah

Design and build basis of water supply and sewerage facilities at K. Gulhi

Design and build basis of water supply and sewerage facilities at K. Gulhi

K.Dhiffushi Water & Sewerage Facilities