Surveying including EIA

Land Surveying & Level Surveys

Altec Maldives is pleased to offer a full array of surveying services for our clients and customers across the country. Our team of specialist land surveyors provide a trusted, timely service to our growing list of customers. Most importantly our team are hands-on and are personally responsible for your surveying project from start to finish.
Our Typical Surveys include;

  • Island Land Use Plan Surveys

  • Topographical surveys

  • Bathymetric Surveys

  • Boundary Surveys

  • Level Surveys for Utility Pipe Laying works

  • Housing Development Surveys

  • Road and Landscaping Surveys

Customers can either choose one or can be a mixture of open land urban development that needs to be surveyed.

Environmental Impact Assessment’s

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an integral part of the Planning & development of Environmental related Projects. It shall measure the impacts anticipated and effects or affects due to the proposed development for identifying the changes to the environment. It shall allow the developer and stakeholders to mitigate and reduce the effects and effects as noted in the report.
At Altec Maldives, we understand the importance of the condensable development in the rapid moving economy. Obtaining an early understanding of likely impacts allows effective engagement. This acts to minimize delays during the application process and fosters a beneficial working relationship between consultant, client and determining authorities.

​Our environmental planners are experts in producing Environmental Statements and reports, offering full range of related consultancy services, from advising on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) to liaising with planning authorities over submission and getting approval from Authorities and advising on mitigation measures as specified in the EIA decision statements.